(23)Glass Beads are considered a more delicate blasting media that is best used at lower pressures. It is spherical in shape and will provide a nice matte finish. It will not impregnate its particles into the surface that is being blasted.
(4)Crushed Glass is a blasting media that is angualar in shape which is great for a variety of blasting applications. This material is great for outdoor use due to its environmentally friendly characteristics. It also produces a white metal surface.
(11)Steel shot is sperical in shape. It provides a smooth polished finish. The larger sized shot will provide faster cleaning rates but the finish will not be as smooth and as polished as your smaller sizes.
Steel Grit is a great choice for more aggressive applications. Its angualar shape will provide a nice etched surface. The results will vary depending on the hardness and size.
Plastic Blasting Media is an environmentally-safe abrasive media. It is angular in shape which gives it a nice cutting action. Plastic media avoides damage to delicate substrates.
(7)Baking Soda is designed for soda blasting equipment. It can be used in both dry and wet applications. There are over a dozen formulations designed to meet specific surface preparation requirements.
Silicon Carbide is angualr in shape and extremely hard. These characteristics contribute to faster cutting speeds which will decrease your blasting times.
Uses: cleaning, etching, coating removal, paint removal and deburring/Asset/black-silicone-carbide-blasting-abrasives.jpg
(5)Corn Cob Media is a soft abrasive which is used on a wide range of delicate substrates, surfaces and parts. It is very absorbent and environmentally friendly.
Uses: tumbling, vibratory finishing, ppolishing, deburring, deflashing and dying operations/Asset/Corn-Cob-Media.jpg
(7)Walnut Shell Blasting is a softer media made from crushed walnut shells. It is angular in shape and very durable. This product will not etch or scratch the substrate of the surface that is being blasted.